Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays... NO, Merry Christmas!!

I am not sure how I feel about the Happy Holidays stuff. Back in the day it was proper and polite to say Merry Christmas but today it's Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, etc. I have found this to be most prominent at schools. Before I left for break my friends and I were talking about how this made us feel. Long story short, we don't believe that we should have to say Happy Holidays to respect other's traditions when we can't even respect our own in saying Merry Christmas. I get it, we want to respect everyone elses' feelings but in doing so we aren't respecting our own. I have family that is Jewish and I tell them Happy Hanukkah, not Holidays. I must admit though, when I am at the grocery store or with people I don't know well enough to know their religious, or lack of religious, background I do find myself saying Happy Holidays... All I am saying is I wish I didn't, I wish we could just say Merry Christmas because majority of our great country celebrates Christmas and the others who don't should tolerate our traditions as we tolerate theirs. Just a thought....

It's okay to say "Merry Christmas"!

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