Well, I did it! I survived my very first college quarter- with all A's and one B! No complaints.
Now, I'm home and I am so happy to be here in sunny California! Much nicer weather than Oregon. It's nice seeing Josh and all my friends from high school- man that feels weird to say, as if I've aged 5 years because I have friends from "high school". One major thing I love about being home now is the fact that I feel like I've left my college bubble and been released back into the cold, harsh, real world.
I actually know somethings about the happenings of the world. For example, our final troops have left Iraq after 9 years! They left deep in the darkness of the night and drove the 160 miles into Kawait. I was very happy to read this, after all thousands of soldiers' lives were lost and billions of the United States' dollars were lost while we were there- now how long until we leave Afghanistan... If ever. I really don't forsee that happening anytime soon which is sad but the world is a harsh place and I am thankful for my freedom and my safety and for the men and women serving our great country to ensure both of those things.
Another current event, Kim Jung-il has died of a heart attack on a train ride. Jung-il was the leader of communist North Korea and his death has put South Korea at attention and on guard for whatever North Korea may do. This kind of puts me on alert because the United States has a military base in Japan (Thank God my cousin is on leave from there right now!) and Japan is a major supporter of South Korea, as is the U.S. Some said the only thing that would collapse the communist country would be the sudden death of Jung-il but it looks as though that will not be happening which is sad. Freedom is so sweet!
Well, I would say after a week of being out of my bubble those are two important world events to have taken place and I'm happy I got to actually hear their entire stories!
Merry Christmas and I plan to post again soon but plans change!
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